Sunday, July 13, 2008

Creativity+Small Space=Christmas at Paint In

Are you confused yet? Well it's really very simple. We are two extremely creative people. Always creating, always designing and always making something. We scour magazines, recipe books, websites, stores - you name it - we're always on the lookout. And all of that is very very good and also very...well, not bad - let's just say - frustrating.

Every Saturday you'll find us at the market - our tables filled and often bursting with all we've made. People often come by and just stand with an open mouth and say "you make ALL of this?". We laugh and confirm that in fact, we do it all. But here comes the crunch - we are limited to space on our tables - and we are quickly running out of space. We've got all kinds of new things ready to make their debut - but we're run out of room.

So can you see where we're going here? Next week is the Paint In- we're be at the market from 10am-4pm. And during those 6 hours we'll have AMAZING prices on our butters, salt scrubs, sprays fact - you could probably call it "Christmas Paint In" because the prices will be that good. It's not a sale - it's a "WE NEED MORE ROOM - SO WE'RE SLASHING PRICES" day. And it will be ONE day only. In fact, only 6 hours. And it has to be in person.

We are giddy just thinking about the fun.

Happy week!

Splurge Sisters

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