Thursday, July 05, 2007

Who needs sourdough when there's pie?

Well...trapping one's own "wild and organic" yeast is easier than it looks I'll tell you:) The books did warn that it was tedious and discouraging work but I got 3 batches started and it was all looking promising.

My starters smelled and looked great but they weren't rising. Last night before going to bed I had 2 round loaves ready to be baked fresh in the morning. I even dreamt of rising loaves in my sleep.

But this morning, when I got up at 6am...there sat two lonely barely risen loaves. A few moments of silence were held and then I threw them away.

Ah well. So instead...there will be fresh apple galettes on Saturday!! They are a rustic apple pie and twice as delicious. Plus there will be Baby Lavender Cakes which taste amazing.

So we won't dwell on the loss of our sourdough babies, instead we look forward to fruit pies, baby cakes and more. See you Saturday!!

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