Sunday, September 27, 2015

Toner Your New BFF

Toner Your New BFF

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There are two bottles that sit on my dresser, our Rose Toner and our Orange Blossom toner.  Yes, they do everything they’re supposed to do.  They moisturize, they tone your face, they act as a make up remover in a pinch, they set my make up but wait there’s more.

I use them as a light fragrance and spray them liberally on my hair and clothes and don’t need to worry that it will be too strong or too offensive.  In fact, I am always asked why I smell so good whenever I get out of my car or go to the bank.  And one more use?  They act as a de-stresser, whenever I am feeling overwhelmed I walk over to the bottles, pick each one up and choose which scent I need.  The rose is a gentle mist that promises of better days ahead while the Orange Blossom reminds me of the spring time and it calms me.

Both of these toners can act as an astringent which fights acne and reduces blemishes.  As well, they are a natural, mild antiseptic that helps to reduce inflamed skin by stimulating the circulation in tiny blood vessels beneath the skin.
As well, they help to maintain the pH of your skin and helps to soothe insect bites and sunburn.  Spray on your face for a cooling and relaxing feel on your skin and both toners are ideal for all skin types.
So see, these two powerhouses are indeed your new best friends and give new meaning to the words ‘multi-taskers’. 
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Caron is one of the blooms of Two Blooms Design Studio Est. 2002. She is the dreamer, production manager and the social media wannabe. Caron is married to the word adventure and she will never stop dreaming.


Anne-Marie said...

This toner sounds fabulous! I use a homemade toner recipe too. Your packaging is lovely and would look great on any counter.

Two Blooms Design Studio said...


Thanks for the comment and your lovely compliment. :)
