Have you experienced the amazing properties of olive oil?
Organic Olive oil is used in the majority of our products and I’m here to explain the marvelous benefits of this wonderful oil.
We love that it’s vegan and has a multitude of uses including for the body and hair.
Vitamin E has 3 antioxidants: Vitamin E, Phytosterois and Polyphenols. It is said that when you apply oil olive on the skin it may help with premature again. The vitamin E protects your skin from ultraviolet light and keeps it smooth.
It does not clog pores although many people are afraid to use olive oil on their face. It goes deep into the skin and offers a cleansing effect.
It is useful when exfoliating your skin. Try adding some sea salt to olive oil to slough off dead skin cells. The combination of the abrasive sea salt and the deep penetrating benefits of olive oil make a great combination.
Olive oil can be used used to heal and soothe dry or irritated skin. It can also be used to calm sunburns.
Did you know it can help prevent stretch marks? Olive oil helps skin become more supple and allows it to regenerate.
If are worried about the oily feeling on your face you can wipe away the dirt or makeup on your skin and then rinse off with your favourite cleanser. Better yet try our Organic Bamboo Charcoal Face Soap.

you want beautiful shiny hair then try this little tip. Slightly heat
olive oil and apply all over your head and wrap with a towel then
shampoo as normal.
What are you favourite ways to use olive oil?
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Hi, I'm Michelle the artist, visionary, creator and designer of Two Blooms Design Studio. I moved from a big city to Vancouver Island and fell in love with the west coast. My world is surrounded by beautiful scents, on trend design and endless possibilities.
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